And guess what? I am actually starting an actual, for real-y type sewing project. No, for real, I mean it! No, it's not my Halloween costume... Yes, it's for the band... Anyhow, the story is, we saw this amazing act in Vegas, and while indulging myself in the usual rounds of cyber-stalking, I figured out that this performer (OKAY. It's Deke Dickerson) will be playing in Haines for the Southeast Alaska State Fair in July. I got all fluttery and told H., who immediately shifted into her PR persona, and scored us a gig there as well. Now, Deke plays on Saturday, and we play on Sunday, but we will probably get to meet him and maybe, if I'm real nice, he'll let me hold his Kay. That's an upright bass, lest you start hoisting your eyebrows to hairline height. So, naturally, I will require an outfit or three. Since this is Southeast Alaska, July does not mean what it does to other people in the Northern Hemisphere. There is almost certainly going to be no need for sunblock or sunglasses or icy beers. No, indeed. In fact, chances are very good that we will be shivering and damp, and that I won't be able to slap for nickels because I won't be able to feel the strings. That means that my usual bar-gig outfit of bazoomalicious (I just made that word up. pretty great, huh?) halter top and tight capri pants or tight denim pencil skirt will be ill-advised, to say the least. Plus, we want a tied together, unified kind of look, so since the boys already have Western shirts that are blinged, I am making a skirt. And what kind, you ask?
This kind. Except with silver fringe and possibly a giant, rhinestoned Dia De Los Muertos sugar skull near the hem. Yeah. I have the pattern already, and I ordered some black cotton twill (I wanted sateen, but it was sold out), so once I get the fabric, I'll do a muslin, and we're in business. Next step is finding a decent line drawing of a sugar skull and scaling it up so it's big enough to make out of rhinestones and be seen from the back of the fairground.
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