There has been some muttering on some fronts that I do not update this blog quickly enough. Don't bother wondering who you are; there are only like three of you out there. I am trying, but for heavens sake, I have a lot to do - I have sewing, and research, and Oreo cookies to eat, and novels about Marie Antoinette to read (she went by her Austrian name of Antonia, BTW), and stell boning to be frightened of cutting ... The list goes on and on. But here you are, you ravening masses, you. Some proof that the project progresses. I am ready to start the seaming that will hold in place the boning that will hold in place, um, me. But it is a liitle intimidating. I have read a review of this pattern that wqarns of the top edge rolling once boned, so I am thinking again of modifying the pattern a bit to suit my purposes. But my determination to have it finished by the Pirate Party is complete; I will stand for nothing else.
On another note, I purchased a copy of Dangerous Liaisons to use as costume research, and now I cannot stop watching it. So many things about it: first, that the costuming is indeed dlicious, and enviable; second, Malkovich was actually strangely sexy; third, the very meaness of it is what appeals. Don't we always wound the ones we love? Can't boredom drive us to terrible heights?
See what happens when ladies aren't allow to slump in chairs? They have to almost recline! The most interesting thing, though, is that it makes me wish that I had chosen something other than peach for the color of the gown - the cafe au lait taffeta with rust trimmings that Mme. Merteuil wears is divine, even if it is a day dress. There is the peacock satin evening gown, though, with the shell pink trimmings, and the rosy thing with the acid green petticoat, that also appeal. It makes the monochrome palette I chose seem insipid, almost. Anyhow, now I am investigating the inkling of an aquamarine overgown with peachy-pink petticoat and robings, even though I said no ice blue. It's hard not to get caught up in the minutae, especially when that is what the Rococo aesthetic was all about.
But before I persue that, which is after all a long ways off, I have steel to cut and tip.. I hope the yellow of the tipping fluid doesn't show. I can't imagine how it will, through the opaque satin and even opaquer (new word!) cotton twilled corduroy.
I just fixed the Rococo link, if anyone is interested.
I found out this color is called 'flea' because that was Louis XVI's name for M.A. She popularized it after ordering several gowns made up in it in honor of him. And that pic is not the best representation of the gown. On the DVD, you get a much better idea of the gradations. Anyway, it makes me think of a less monochromatic approach.
ReplyDeleteHi! It must be some party you're going to!
ReplyDeleteLOL - which one?
ReplyDeleteThe Pirate Adieu is going to just amazing, but little work is going into it costume wise. I already decided not to bother airing out the Ren skirt because I would rather wear the military gauchos I bought for $15 last month and my knee high boots, because summer never visited m tiny corner of the universe. And the Stardust Ball - well, you must understand. I live for Halloween. It is without reserve my favorite holiday. Combined with the fact that my birthday is only four days before the big day, and the Ball is squarely in between, it sort of feels like my own private holiday. Like Advent, except just for me instead of the unwashed masses, and without the staying up for Mass and opening underwear in front of your siblings on Christmas morning.
It's all a bit out of control, really.
ReplyDeleteI keep clicking on the links and gasping. Thank GOODNESS I'll get to see the corset in real life, at least.